Restore Colorado Revenue accountability and function.

2022 to 2024 no taxes returned the state revenue office has failed to pay me a tax return in a timely manner. More than that there is no means to contact the state revenue office in a timely manner. It's been over 12 weeks in 2024 and still I have not seen my tax return for the past 3 years. I have tried to contact someone but everywhere is a complete disconnect. Hopefully you have yours but Political Persecution is keeping this Bromley family legacy of Colorado from getting his tax return. Vote Mark Bromley restore government Accountability and functionality. 

Values Life

Spiritual life of a human being begins at conception. I know this for I remember my own soul when I was conceived. I have memories of that moment. A new child is a unique human being and deserves the protection of Life, Liberty, and to pursue Happiness. I understand some want a loop hole because of the great suffering and evil in this world. I also know a third of the population is abusive, cruel, and harmful towards those pregnant with child. I understand the value of Life of the child and the Life of the Mother. I know we all choose life and the Mothers life is just as important as that of the child. Because of my spiritual beliefs. I can never support the unacceptable death of any human soul be it newly conceived or in their final days of their time to life by natural causes.  I hope you understand that only under extreme conditions would I agree the Mother has a right to life above that of child. 

Spiritual Belief 

I grew up in a Christian and Mormon home in Northglenn. I do honor my parents by accepting their faith and it is part of my spirituality and is reflected in my book series Yoranthium. ( On sale via I am well studied of many religions and have friends of many different faiths and beliefs. I am a spiritual person of deep philosophical and theological concepts. One religion I do not support is the False Religion of Oppressive Governments of Globalist Socialism. I embrace many religious values of many cultures. Some of these include Jewish beliefs reflected in my novel. Buddhism, Gia, Pagan, Muslim, Hindu, Hare Krishna, and any and all good standing religious beliefs are values I share with the community. Religions of the world is a hobby of mine and I welcome and accept all good beliefs. My own spiritual choice is one Universal God at a more mature level of understanding that might not agree with others because it's science based practicality. You would have to read my book series to understand.  

Fosters World Peace

I will work to bring World Peace to war torn regions. I have the military medals to prove my Honor, Courage and Commitment to preserving freedom and World Peace. I will do this by demanding that the USA take a more neutral posture in foreign wars. Reduce foreign aid that has been trickling into Swiss banks by the WEF and democrat schemes to fund their elections. If you vote for me you can establish world peace by getting the USA to become a Peace Maker instead of a war instigator under the Biden Regime. The Democrats and the Biden Regime means to manipulation and control of election spending is why we have these current pointless wars escalating in the world. We can force hostile nations to the peace table and we can make the required recommended methods to establish de-escalation of world conflicts and restore World Peace. 

Vote Mark Bromley Unaffiliated if you believe in World Peace. Join me and my campaign, volunteer, donate, help me get petitions signed. World Peace is a team effort and with me World Peace is made real. My fiction book series Yoranthium is about achieving World Peace you can also go to and help me via The PUB. For World Peace, its a good cause. 

Alternate Life Choices

I am angry at the attacks the Cult of the Woke have aimed at me. I have never been mistreated or disrespected by the extremist values being pushed by nasty partisan politics in House District 34 or around the nation. I grew up with a Brother and many friends and people I know personally that live Alternate Life Choices. I'm fine with it so please stop defaming me. It makes me angry and upset. I am not different from you, I am different like you. So there. I feel the Globalist Socialist Hierarchy flag is not representing your individuality and it lump sums Alternate Life Choices into an ambiguous Cult that is harmful in a political motivated way. Because of the misunderstanding and Cyberbullying I have experienced I do not support the cause of woke cults. I view them as harmful cults that are destructive and harmful. I do not see the Hierarchy flag representing me. I see it has been used to hate me and my miscegenated family in past elections. That is why I perceive the cult of woke as extremism motivated by my opponents. Now I'm Unaffiliated. Because lets face it both of the main parties are harmful and destructive and try to use and abuse us to hurt one another. We don't have to be that way.  The Republicans said in a News Article with Colorado Politics I was "Indecent." All I suggested to them was to consider Gay Union or some kind of middle ground to respect their ideas of Marriage and the Alternate communities wishes to have the same right to Uniting their love to the one of their hearts choice. I didn't think there was anything "Indecent," about that. But it was clear to me that the Republicans had no intention of finding a middle ground for a just cause. 

I'm Unaffiliated

You know what. Main parties are full of nasty people. I did my best to work with them but they were intolerant, crazy, hateful and harmful. We don't need these so called large parties. All you need is Mark Bromley Unaffiliated for Colorado. My relation by blood is to the founder of Adams County, Colorado E. A. Bromley who arrived in Colorado in 1877. He was in the House and the Senate and created much of what Colorado is today. He also dumped the major parties and became a third party while serving in the Senate. Colorado is at a crossroads and we have some really terrible politicians harming our state. Poverty is rampant in Colorado, many are suffering and our so called paid for corrupt NASCAR "Leaders." (Maybe we should legislate all or representatives wear their endorsements on a jacket while on the floor. That way we know who bought and owns them. That large Emerge patch would show how corrupt big parties are in Colorado.) These NASCAR politician slaves have been zooming around bought by the wealthy overseas to dictate Globalist Socialist nonsense. We see this failure in 2023 with the late special session in November and December. Over their failure to understand the economic conditions and the excessive property over taxation that threatens us. We had laws to protect us and the Democrats destroyed those protective common sense laws. The Republicans just messed around and contributed nothing of importance. Fact is the Republicans attacked me and berated me in insulting and indecent ways  by hateful methods of persecution when I was finding a middle ground to better Colorado. I recognized early the Republican of Adams County are RINO's letting the Democrats dictate their destructive platform. I tried to fix it and they got so upset they created fake news aimed at my Primary election win. Those RINO's were working for the Democrat Emerge Globalist Socialism in HD34.  Like I said. I don't support the false religion of oppressive intolerant governments or their corrupted bought parties. 

Fair Housing

I do believe in preserving quality of living conditions. Healthy community growth and development. Protecting our fragile environment and a good healthy Biome to land use ratio. I support growth of life from conception to the end of our years. I support maintaining local species and wildlife. I support protecting our Biome. I want housing that meets the growing needs of humanity and civility. I believe no price of a home or rental property should be higher than a third of a single wage earners pay check. I will support fixed property controls to meet economic conditions of poverty and I will work to fix wages so people have disposable incomes. The False Religion of excessive taxation Government is not suppose to decide where your money goes. The slavery of property predators should not infringe on your rights to Life, Liberty and Happiness. Your income is a reward for your work and effort and service you should get some joy and satisfaction from what you have worked hard for. All people should have reward for their efforts and housing needs to meet healthy human environmental development. 


Out of all those running for office, I am the most experienced with public and private transportation. I have a background here in Denver/Boulder Colorado working in the Transportation industry. I have traveled the world and studied many aspects of transportation. I am knowledgeable of every thing that moves on or around this planet. I have worked in Aviation, Aerospace, trains, planes and automobiles along with having served in the US Navy and worked in the Ship Yards. This means I know the most about how transportation systems work. Transportation is not what the current bad politicians think it is. Trains are not cattle cars to get a work force to work. Trains are a luxury item that only benefits creating access to shopping. Every where in the world the trains are commuter systems designed to supply consumers to retail businesses.  Of course many trains do haul mined goods and farmed goods. Current legislation in 2024 is ignorant and irresponsible considering there is a declining urban train system being downsized in Japan and other parts of the world at this time. History in the USA also illustrates why mass consumerism train systems have declined in the late 1800 to 1900. Seriously how can you vote for bad politicians who don't do their homework. I will fix this problem of transportation in Colorado. 

New technologies are advancing to change and promote a cleaner transit system. I will work with my experience and scientific engineering expert knowledge to decrease environmental impacts of transportation while improving the transportation systems used in Colorado. I'm a professionally licensed Engineer with decades of transportation knowledge. My opponents are unqualified. I don't think a fake science Political Science Gender studied confused candidate is the one to be working on legislation impacting transportaiton. Colorado need me Mark Bromley more now than ever to make common sense legislation to better our transportation system I have worked with US DOT, CDOT and DORA on a professional level along with overseas transportation systems and management. 


Having grown up in House District 34 Schools I'm a product of the excellence of what our public schools use to be. I attended four years at Western Colorado University, Fine Arts, Philosophy, Honors Writing, Mass Communications, before continuing on with an Engineering higher education with the US Navy. I'm am shocked to have learned of how our once fine schools have fallen into decline. I was even shocked and experience discrimination aimed at my miscegenated family by our education system. We have problems in our education. Mostly due to piss poor educators failing to perform adequately to state standards. We have a conflict by polarized politics not being open minded to adjust our public education to meet the needs of all interested stakeholders. One political party has literally forced parents to homeschool to avoid the perversity of a sexually abusive curriculum being pushed in our public schools. Our public schools are not a place to study or confuse gender roles.  Fake and false sciences like Sociology, Psychology and Political Science gender studies is harmful to our minors and their educations. Fake Sciences should only be offered at higher learning colleges. The fake sciences are the main cause of tragic wars and genocides of the 20th century making these extreme philosophies inappropriate in our public education system. 

Parents do have rights. They have a right to safe and secure education that teaches students to be successful in life. No student should be Indoctrinated, groomed or programmed to be dependent on the false religion of oppressive government. We need to remove polarized adult politics from our public schools so minors are not treated as child slave labor and abused by our current polarized Board of Education in HD34. 

We need to fix our broken education system and this means making sure we have good wholesome educators in our schools. We need all aspects of parent voices recognized and a common goal orientated approach to education.

Because our current Public Schools have lost trust. I support home school (as I have self educated my own professional engineering licenses). I also support Charter and custom schooling to meet a child's need to excel in education. If it wasn't for Charter Schools my son being of a miscegenated family in Adams County. He would have been denied, discriminated, excluded and intolreated by a dysfunctional public education here in HD34. My son is proof that Charter schools provide higher quality educations and my High School Alma Matter is a failure.

We need to step up and bring Home Schoolers to the PTA's and School Boards. Don't go education alone, stand with me and stand with other parents to bring common sense back to our Public Educations. We do not stand alone we fight for our education and the succesful futures of our children to be free from oppression and discrimination in our District 12 schools. 

Bringing an end to Child Abuse and Child Slavery

In 2023 it came to my attention that our public schools had abused, neglected, and cruelly treated minors in our District 12 schools and all over Colorado. Adult Elections used minors as their unpaid and unfairly compensated election workers. They did not recognize this as abuse or neglect of minors or child slave labor. Which is disturbing your elected officials committed these kind of abusive crimes to remain in power. Everyone of us running for office wish we had Volunteers. It's hard work knocking on doors, and trying to raise funds. If you can use slave labor, would you? Apparently the democrats had taken advantage of minors in our public schools. They were to tell adults what to believe and distributed disinformation using QR codes and Websites. The students I interviewed were abused and neglected by their Sociology teacher. The rewards of grades did not cover the actual child slave labor these students performed for the democrat party of Adams County. Student's who simply did not do the assignment were forced by the school to shame themselves to several political figures. Social Shaming is a cruel and abusive tool to forced compliance, a form of slavery. Talking about this is a difficult issue. None the less the child abusers of the Democrat agenda failed to recognize this abuse as Child Slave Labor in Colorado. I will be introducing legislation to clarify and make it illegal for Adults to abuse minors in Adult elections. Adult elections do have age inappropriate content and should not impact minors as a slave labor work force. 

Unions and the rights of the Workers

I support Unions and the right of workers to make fair wages, fair compensation, and fair benefits, with the right to access legal services to preserve their families way of life. I support the unions because if I had a Union when I was with the federal government in Utah. I wouldn't be running for office in my home state of Colorado. Yes, you heard me. I will support Unions here in Colorado in all manners of business from private industry to that of government. No one should be abused, mistreated, wrongfully terminated, cruelly treated, or working in brutal conditions without fair compensation and fair benefits. Benefits are a form of compensation when the wages are insufficient to cover the actual costs and appreciation of your services provided to your employer. 

Same Gender Union

In a fake news article by the Republicans via Colorado Politics I was falsely accused of "indecent behavior." This was over my attempt to understand why they did not support same gender marriage. It wasn't their platform to refuse such a concept but that group of extremists worked to favor the single party politics in Colorado. Everything thing good was given to the winning side and everything bad was on the losing side. Partisan Politics all of it owned by a foreign influence creating negativity in Colorado.

I support the union of same gender couples. People will do this when they care enough for one another. No reason to avoid what simply is true for people who love one another.

It has been my experience having lived in the homes of same gender couples in my younger years. That many same gender couples simply live very normal lives.

Not to mention. Adams County seems to hold this event every year you can get married at. I don't know did they read my book Yoranthium? Did they steal another idea from me? It's in the chapter, "To Govern the People." You have to get my book Yoranthium. I don't know about government paid wedding events though. But at least I get to see the reality of what I wrote about.  

Why is Mark Bromley running for office

Tyranny, Oppression, Suppression, Persecution, and inequality is the the short answer.

For  all of  you that failed to vote Mark Bromley in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2023 you are all  racist, haters, persecutors, oppressors and tyrants. Those who failed to vote for me are Bigots and Hypocrites.  The very evil you all lie to yourselves about preventing.  Your intolerance has been noted your hate crimes have been seen by  God. Your sin is great. But you can  find salvation by voting for Mark Bromley in 2024 and making amendments to your hostile, cruel and abusive behavior. I made a pact with God, I could not be his saint but God could see the world through me. God accepted the arrangement. He said, "It's all I ever wanted."

I was Identified by political nemesis at Eastlake Elementary School, in Adams County at age 3 as a person related to E. A. Bromley the founder of Adams County and much of Colorado. Lets face it the Democrat platform is my persecutor for the past 50 years leaving me at a disadvantage by poverty and no access to fair and equal economics. This is verified at Colorado TRACER and the City of Northglenn by the inequality of campaign contributions. The Democrat agenda incorrectly labeled me at Eastlake Elementary school when I was only 3 years old making me take Kindergarten twice. I did graduate when I was 18 from Northglenn High School and attended 4 years at Western Colorado University. The hate I get from the Democrat platform is persecution leaving me being hated, discriminated, assaulted by Northglenn Police multiple times at the whims of city council democrats. I live in constant oppression and persecution with harassment by city council ordered attacks. I feel like I am Adams County George Floyd with a knee on my neck as a Honorable service veteran and local struggling business in blight. Where elected democrats have viciously stole my art work and concepts refusing to pay for what they steal from my online store. I feel I live in North Korea USA., Northglenn Colorado. My family is miscegenated and has been racially persecuted and discriminated. My family did not get to live a life like my democrat opponents families get to live. My family lived in Poverty. Denied access to public education, denied stability, denied equality, denied human dignity. Denied fair wages, fair work, fair access to income potential. My wife fled the USA because of the persecution by the local city of Northglenn North Korea Colorado. I moved and took jobs. For only a short 4 years did my family have any stability in Moab, Utah. Then I worked like  highly skilled and professionally licensed Electrician in California's Ship Yards. It was brutal but I paid the bills. Until the Democrats constantly hounded and assaulted my family. Persecution. Persecution is why I run for for office. Inequality. Inequality you, me, we all deserve respect. Over 50 years of suppression and tyranny in this North Korea Hell Hole of the USA is why I run for office. I'm sick of the persecution and want my family back.

My life here in North Korea Kommunist Kolorado has been a 50 plus years living Nightmare of abuse, cruelty, and negligence by House District 34 Democrats. 

I worked hard. I have medals in the Navy to prove I worked too hard. For what Poverty. Persecution, discrimination, exclusivity, and intolerance by your hateful elected Democrats? This life torn from my family, my one and only child's life ruined by Democrats. Didn't get a fair education no access to Colorado Colleges. Inequality, discrimination, hate, persecution by these Democrat tyrants these Nazi's of Colorado.

I'm Mark Bromley by blood related to E. A. Bromley a founder of Adams County and much of Colorado. I should have had an equal life to any other. My family lives in poverty and inequality and gets harassed by a Nazi Democrat hateful agenda. My car was destroyed it was my means to a meager income. I was told by the hateful North Korea Government I'm on my own to find the criminal. It was organized crime in your government. I traced the trail of crime to the Northglenn North Korea City Council. and the Adams County BOCC and their legislations of persecution of local families in North Korea Kommunist Kolorado.

We deserve better freedoms and better rights. This 50 years of poverty is why I run for office. I have a wrong that needs to be made right and so do we all.

-This is why I run for office. 

Return here often: A work in Process

Return here often as I update the long list of Platform topics. There are many topics and much work to be done. E. A. Bromley my blood relation ancestor and founder of Adams County, and vast areas of Colorado worked really hard for Colorado. I would like to be just as valuable to the state of Colorado as my blood relation on my Dads side of the family. I've traced my history on my dads side to 1066 Normandy invasion of England and my family shows up in the Doomsday books, lesser and greater. Before that there is suggestions of Romans and Vikings before becoming French Normans. On the upside there was also a Robinhood story to boot. Fascinating history by voting Mark Bromley you get a Legacy of Colorado's Greatness and Goodness. I'm quite the writer and I do sometimes upload video's to Youtube.

Where was I? Oh, yes. I will strive once elected to be as active as my predecessor E. A. Bromley in the tireless work ethic he had in founding much of what our state of Colorado is today.